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November 14, 2008


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It's nice to see people talking about New Haven railroad.
For your information there is a new New Haven switcher1200 coming out in June. There are 2 cab numbers forbit. You can get the information from Broadway-Limited web site broadway-limited.com.
Take a look, it's a nice looking switcher.

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Great nostalgia! Too bad people don't take their time to actually see things during trips. I'm sure those old train trips provided many great memories.

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My parents had a miniature railroad in our garden when we grew up...it reminds me very much of those old time railroads, and of course we would make trips into town to put pennies on the track

Elizabeth Durgin

Thanks, Matthew, it is great to know about this event, and the enthusiasm about trains - their history and potential - in CT. Even without technical knowledge of their mechanics, the beauty and value of this mode of transportation is easy to appreciate. I am going to mark the 2009 meeting date in my calendar!

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