The Tech Council is looking for a few more firms that may want to have it represent them during a one week swing through China including Beijing, Shanghai and cities in the coastal industrial and technology rich state of Shandong.
If you might be interested, please contact CTC Membership Director, Mike Scricca immediately! [email protected], 860-289-0878, x334
Exactly 25 years ago, the Tech Council’s Matthew Nemerson – then the newly selected President of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce - travelled with Governor William O’Neill and a group of over 25 business and government leaders to our newly designated sister-state of Shandong, China. This early, but dramatic attempt to cemented strong relations with a similar technology and coastal region of China should have created huge and unique dividends for the state. Sadly, the following administrations after O’Neill did not build on the early openings and the very positive -- and greatly appreciated by the Chinese -- gesture of having our political leader lead the delegation was mostly squandered.
Over the last two decades one member of that first delegation, Marcum LLP Partner John Schuyler, has made many trips to various parts of Shandong and kept the Connecticut name and business community in front of Chinese leaders there.
Now, with the Malloy Administration taking a new interested in foreign business connections and having endorsed a new official trip to China, Schulyer, Nemerson and another veteran of that first trip, U.S. Department of Commerce international specialist and District Office Director Anne Evans and others will be heading back to China at the end of March representing over 50 of the state’s tech firms looking for investors and strategic partners.
“I’ve been back to China two other times, so I know the amazing changes that have taken place. Still, this will be my first time back in Shandong Province since 1987,” noted Nemerson. “25 years ago we thought we had the upper hand, and came with a long list of interesting Connecticut technologies and we were all trying to sell products that were not available in China into that market. Today we are come as equals, sharing information about growing firms looking for capital investments and global partnerships.”
Needless to say, Shandong will have changed dramatically in 25 years, while Connecticut probably wishes it could turn some clocks back to the clout and swagger the state had in the mid-1980s. Still, the concept that Connecticut is stronger with close relationships with a dynamic economy halfway around the world has not changed.
In the news: 3/14/2012 article by David Krechevsky, Republican-American -
State, feds to promote Conn. firms during trade mission to China The Republican-American.
John Schuyler, Partner
Marcum LLP
Anne Evans, District Director
U.S. Department of Commerce
Dan Drew, Mayor
City of Middletown
Peter Longo, President and Executive Director
Connecticut Innovations
Matthew Nemerson, President and CEO
Connecticut Technology Council
Deb Santy, Director
CT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
David Schaffer, Partner
Wiggin and Dana LLP
Jun-Hong Cui, President and CTO
AquaSeNT; Professor, University of Connecticut
Melissa Grosso, Senior International Trade Specialist
U.S. Department of Commerce
Barbara Wright, CT District Export Council Support