NovaTract Surgical LLC
NovaTract Surgical LLC (NovaTract) was founded to develop new, innovative medical devices to address the rapidly growing field of single-port laparoscopic surgery and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (“NOTES”). Single-port refers to the method of accessing the abdominal cavity with an endoscope through one incision (most commonly the umbilicus or navel) to perform surgery. NOTES describes the method of accessing the abdominal cavity with an endoscope through a natural orifice (e.g. vagina, mouth/esophagus, etc.) to perform surgery. Demand for single-port and NOTES methods is increasing sharply because they offer patients the appealing option to have fewer incisions or none at all. These methods result in shorter recovery times and improved cosmetics; there is reduced pain, scarring, and risk of infection, adhesion or hernias in the abdomen wall.