The Connecticut Technology Council has selected its 2009 class of FastTrack companies. The 2009 picks are emerging Connecticut technology companies singled out as a select group of high potential companies likely to achieve significant revenue growth in the next year and beyond. These companies will be paired with mentors, introduced to investors as appropriate and assisted in the selection of screened service providers where needed. Selected companies were culled from a broader base of over 500 emerging technology companies in CTC’s Innovation Pipeline Accelerator Program which serves start-ups and emerging tech companies. This is the third year that CTC has made FastTrack selections. Previous year companies have included Premise Corporation and Design2Launch, both of which grew to a stage where they purchased in the last year.
The Connecticut Technology Council’s FastTrack program is funded in part by the law firm of Edwards Angel Palmer & Dodge LLP.
The 2009 Class of 2009 FastTrack Companies are:
- Axxun Inc. A Stamford based provider of an application development system and runtime engine, axxun™, that requires no coding, produces no code and allows the developer to build applications in any order. Applications are built and maintained in 1/10th the time it takes with any other system. Over 200 companies around the world in a variety of industries use axxun™ applications today.
- Control Station, Inc. ( – This Tolland company provides best-in-class process control solutions for manufacturers. Its staff and leadership are from UConn.
- Core Informatics LLC ( - Core Informatics is a software company focused on delivering state of the art, fully customized Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) to customers in a variety of industries. Core Informatics LLC is a Branford company.
- Geezeo ( - Geezeo is a leading personal finance software site which helps consumers manage all aspects of their finances at one secure place online. Geezeo is located in Hartford.
- PageFad LLC ( – Page Fad develops and publishes niche sports games on social networks including Facebook, Myspace, Bebo and mobile platforms like the iPhone. The company is based in Hartford.
- Retail Optimization Inc. ( - Retail Optimization Inc., a New Haven company, provides predictive macro optimization analytics to determine the most profitable levels of product selection, category space and inventory investment while enhancing the shopping experience for consumers.
- RemoTv Inc. ( – This New Haven company is re-architecting streaming media to take advantage of the increasingly mobile and social Web. REMOTV's patent pending technology can stream any media, in any format, to any device.
- SeeClickFix ( – This New Haven company has created a website that encourages residents to become citizens by participating in taking care of and improving their neighborhoods online. The website is a place for citizens from anywhere to give their local government a website that tracks local issues.
- SyferLock Technology Corporation ( - Syferlock is a Southport based software company providing security solutions for securing data, networks and identities.
To view all Companies in the FastTrack Program visit:
About the Connecticut Technology Council The Connecticut Technology Council is the state’s industry association for the technology sector. CTC’s mission is to “connect people, ideas and opportunities to the global technology and innovation community.” CTC provides members with business assistance and specialized programs, in addition to promoting and supporting public policies that position Connecticut to have a globally recognized “culture of innovation” that helps attract great ideas and entrepreneurs to in turn develop new jobs and wealth for the state.
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